Wednesday, 10 August 2011


We would like to thank all pupils and teachers for coming up with all the wonderful suggestions. However, we would like to congratulate the following winners.  Laughing

Suggest one change which you would like to see in our school after PRIME.

The winners were picked based on the following criteria.
Criteria 1: Is the suggestion practical? (30 points)
Criteria 2: Is it creative? (15 points)
Criteria 3: Is it cost saving (15 points)
Criteria 4: Is it easy to implement? (10 points)
Criteria 5: Does it benefit all? (30 points) 

Best Suggestions for Semester 1
Primary 1
3rd    - 1 Gardenia, Mrs Selva
2nd    - 1 Ixora, Ms Elaine Seng
1st     - 1 Bougainvillea, Ms Malathi

Primary 2
3rd    - 2 Bougainvillea, Mrs Chim
2nd    - 2 Gardenia, Mdm Khoo
1st     - 2 Daisy, Mrs Ong
Primary 3
3rd    - 3 Rose, Ms Sim
2nd    - 3 Jasmine, Mrs Palani
1st     - 3 Violet, Mdm Mazlinda

Primary 4
1st     - 4 Tulip, Ms Celeste Teong
Primary 5
3rd    - 5 Rose, Miss Law/Mdm Siti Mazni
2nd    - 5 Tulip, Mdm Mah
1st     - 5 Orchid, Mrs Tan

Primary 6
3rd   - 6 Ixora, Mrs Kheng
2nd   - 6 Violet, Miss Aznizah
1st    - 6 Lavendar, Mdm Zaleha